Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Creating and Using Templates | 177
Viewing and Adding Templates
Perform these steps to display, add, or edit templates.
1. Navigate to the G
roups > List page, and select a group for which to add or edit templates. This can be a new
group, created with the Add button, or you can edit an existing group by clicking the corresponding pencil
icon. The Groups > Basic page for that group appears.
Additional information about adding and ed
iting groups is described in “Configuring and Using Device
Groups in AWMS” on page79.
2. From the AWMS navigation pane, click Temp
lates. The Templates page appears. Figure 123 illustrates the
Groups > Templates configuration page, and Table 93 describes the information columns.
Figure 123 Gro
ups > Templates Page Illustration for a Sample Device Group
Table 93 Groups
> Templates Fields and Default Values
Setting Description
Notes When applicable, this section lists devices that are active on the network with no template available for
the respective firmware. Click the link from such a note to launch the Add Template configuration page for
that device.
Name Displays the template name.
Device Type Displays the template that applies to APs or devic
es of the specified type. If vendor (Any Model) is
selected, the template applies to all models from that vendor that do not have a version specific template
defined. If there are two templates that might apply to a device, the template with the most restrictions
takes precedence.