Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Creating and Using Templates | 185
Sometimes, the running-config file on the AP does not include the command for one of these variables because
the value is set to the default. For example, when the "transmission power" is set to maximum (the default), the
line "power local maximum" will not appear in the AP running-config file, although it will appear in the startup-
config file. AWMS would typically detect and flag this variance between the running-config file and startup-
config file as a configuration mismatch. To prevent AWMS from reporting a configuration mismatch between
the desired startup-config file and the running-config file on the AP, AWMS suppresses the lines in the desired
configuration when auditing the AP configuration (similar to the way AWMS suppresses lines enclosed in
parentheses, which is explained below). A list of the default values that causes lines to be suppressed when
reporting configuration mismatches is shown in Table 96.
Using AP-Specific Variables
When a template is applied to an AP all variables are replaced with the corresponding settings from the APs/
Devices > Manage configuration page. This enables AP-specific settings (such as Channel) to be managed
effectively on an AP-by-AP basis. The list of used and available variables appears on the template detail
configuration page. Variables are always encapsulated between % signs. The following example illustrates this
hostname %hostname%
interface Dot11Radio0
power local cck %CCK_POWER%
power local ofdm %OFDM_POWER%
channel %CHANNEL%
The hostname line sets the AP hostname to the hostname stored in AWMS.
Table 96 Substitution Variables in
Variable Meaning Command Suppressed Default
hostname Name hostname %hostname% -
channel Channel channel %channel% -
ip_address netmask IP address
Subnet mask
ip address %ip_address%
%netmask% or ip address dhcp …
gateway Gateway ip default-gateway %gateway% -
antenna_ receive Receive antenna antenna receive
antenna_transmit Transmit antenna antenna transmit
cck_power 802.11g radio module CCK power level power local cck %cck_power% maximum
ofdm_power 802.11g radio module OFDM power level power local ofdm %ofdm_power% maximum
power 802.11a and 802.11b radio module power level power local %power% maximum
location The location of the SNMP server. snmp-server location %location% -
contact The SNMP server contact. snmp-server contact %contact%
certificate The SSL Certificate used by the AP %certificate% -
ap include The AP include fields allow for configurable
bles. Any lines placed in the AP Include field on
the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page
replace this variable.
%ap_include_1% through