Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AWMS | 219
b. Delete conditions as desired by clicking the trash can icon to the right of the condition to be removed.
c. Click Save. The trigger appears on your
next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other active
d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the S
ystem > Triggers page.
To edit an existing trigger, click the pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the
Trigger Detail page described in Table 112.
To delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.
Table 113 Ra
dio-Related Trigger Types
Radio Trigger Options Description
Radio Down This trigger indicates when a device’s radio is down on the network. Once you choose this
trigger type, click Add New Trigger Condition to create at least one condition. The Radio Down
trigger requires that a radio capability be set as a condition. The Value drop-down menu
supports several condition options. The following example illustrates a Radio trigger that has
802.11a capability:
Figure 145 Sample of Trigger Condition for Radio Type
802.11 Frame Counters This trigger type enables monitoring of traffic levels. When 802.11 Frame Counters is the trigger
type, there are multiple rate-related parameters for which you define conditions. The rate of
different parameters includes ACK Failures, Retry Rate and Rx Fragment Rate. See the drop-
down Field menu in the Conditions section of the trigger page for a complete list of parameters.
Click Add New Trigger Condition to
access these settings. Define at least one condition for this
trigger type.
Selecting this trigger type displays a new Duration setting. Define the Duration, which can be
expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of these.
802.11 QoS Counters This trigger type enables monitorin
g of Quality of Service (QoS) parameters on the network,
according to traffic type. The rate of different parameters includes ACK Failures, Duplicated
Frames and Transmitted Fragments. See the drop-down field menu in the conditions section of
the trigger page for a complete list of parameters. Click Add New Trigger Condition to access
these settings. Define at least one condition for this trigger type.
Selecting this trigger type displays a new Duratio
n setting. Define the Duration, which can be
expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, or a combination of these.
Overlapping Channel This type of trigger indicates that
the neighboring AP is within a specified number of channels.
This is calculated based on the AP with the most roams as reflected on the APs/Devices >
Manage page, the Neighbors section.
Selecting this trigger type displays a new option whic
h you can enable as desired: Alert if
neighbor within channels.
Figure 146 Trigger Type Section for Overlapping Channel Type
NOTE: There is no Conditions configuration for Radios: Overlapping Channel triggers.
Interface Bandwidth Interface labels defined on the trigger page will be used to set up triggers on one or more
s and/or radios. Available conditions are Device Type, Interface Description, Interface
Label, Interface Mode, Interface Speed In (Mbps), Interface Speed Out (Mbps), Interface Type,
and Radio Type.