Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AWMS | 221
d. You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.
To edit an existing trigger, click the pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the
Trigger Detail page described in Table 112.
To delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and click Delete.
e. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions
as desired. Refer to the start of “Creating New
Triggers” on page214 to create a new trigger.
Setting Triggers for Users
After completing steps 1-3 in “Creating New Triggers” on page214, perform the following steps to complete
the configuration of user-rel
ated triggers.
a. If you have not already done so, choose a trigger type from the Users category, listed in the Type drop-
down menu.
See Figure 142. Table 115 itemizes and describes the User-related trigger types, and
condition settings for each dis
covery trigger type.
Table 115 U
ser Trigger Types and Condition Settings
User Trigger
New User This trigger type indicates when a new user has associated to a device within a defined set of groups or
folders. Note that the New User trigger type does not require the configuration of any condition settings, so
the Condition section disappears.
Associated Users This trigger type indicates when a device (based on
an input list of MAC addresses) has associated to the
wireless network. It is required to define one or more MAC addresses with the field that appears.
Figure 149 Example of Associated User Configuration Section