Users Guide

254 | Performing Daily Administration in AWMS Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide
Using the System > Performance Page
The System > Performance page displays basic AWMS hardware information as well as resource usage over
time. AWMS logs performance statistics such as load average, memory and swap data every minute. The
historical logging can be used to help determine the best usable polling period and track the health of AWMS
over time. Figure 178 illustrates this page and Table 130 describes fields and information displayed.
Figure 178 System
> Performance Page Illustration (Partial Screen Shown)
Table 130 System
> Performance Page Fields
Field Description
CPU(s) Basic CPU information as reported by Linux.
Memory The amount of physical RAM and Swap space seen by the ope
rating system. AWMS requires a minimum
of 1 gigabyte of physical RAM
Kernel The version of Linux kernel running on the box.
RAPIDS Displays how long it took to pro
cess the last payload of MAC address.
Device Polling Displays some AP/Device p
olling statistics.