Users Guide

270 | Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide
Figure 187 Reports > Generated > Daily Device Summary Report Illustration
Table 137 Reports > Generated > Daily Device Summary Report Fields and Descriptions
Field Description
Rank The rank column for any section of this report establishes the top 10 devices for any category, and
these are listed in sequential or reverse-sequential order.
AP/Device Displays the name of the device, which can
be a MAC address or other identifier.
Number of Users Displays the number of users associated with each device.
Max Simultaneous Users Displays the maximum number of users that were active
on the associated device during the
period of time that the report covers.
Total Bandwidth (MB) Displays the bandwidth in megabytes that the device supported during the period of time covered
by the report.