Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports | 289
Defining Reports
You can create reports in AWMS for any time period you wish, to be run when you wish, and distributed to
recipients that you define. Perform these steps to create and run custom reports. Reports created with the
Reports > Definition page appear on this and on the Reports > Generated page once defined.
1. To create or edit a report, browse to the Reports >
Definition page and click the Add button, or click the
pencil icon to edit an existing report definition. Figure 207 illustrates one view of the Reports > D
Figure 207 De
fining a Report with Reports > Definitions > Add Button
2. Complete the fields described in Table 142 and any additional R
eport Restrictions. The Report Restrictions
section changes according to the report type you choose
. Additional information about each report type is
described in “Using Daily Reports” on page264.
Table 142 Re
port > Definitions > Add Page Fields
Field Default Description
Title Empty Enter a Report Title. Aruba recommends using a title that is a meaningful and descriptive, so it may
be found easily on the lists of reports that appear on either Generated or Definitions pages.
Type Capacity Choose the type of report you wish to create in the Report Type drop-down menu.
Group All Groups Specify the groups and folders to be covered in
the report by choosing All Groups (or All Folders)
or specifying Use selected groups (or Use selected folders) in the drop-down menu.
If Use selected
groups is chosen, a menu with checkboxes appears, allowing you to choose the
groups to include in the report.
Folder All Folders
Search Filter
Blank Add a specific alpha numeric string for finding device
s that match that which you entered. Note
that once you enter a search string, new or deleted devices that match the search string will
automatically be included or excluded in all future reports generated until you delete or change the
search string.
For certain reports, such as New User and User S
ession, will allow you to search devices
associated with a specific user or device.