Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Initiating a Support Connection | 315
Appendix D
Initiating a Support Connection
The Support Connection Manager establishes a secure point-to-point connection between the customer AWMS
and AirWave's support organization. Using this secure connection, AirWave support engineers can remotely
diagnose problems or upgrade software without breaching security and exposing AWMS to the Internet.
This appendix includes the following sections:
“Network Requirements” on page315
“Procedure” on page315
Network Requirements
The AWMS Support Connection initiates a TCP connection on port 23 to AirWave's support server. Please
ensure your firewall allows this. The connection can be configured to run on 22,80,443 and a few other ports if
necessary. Please contact Dell support if you need to make any changes.
Perform these steps to initiate a support connection for AWMS:
1. Sign into the serial or regular console with your root login.
2. Type service support_
connection start at the command line interface.
3. Type service support_connection status to verify
that the connection is running properly.
4. To end the connection to support, type service support_
connection stop at the command line interface.
If you have any questions, please con
tact Dell support.
Caution: Initiating the support connection will create a point to point tunnel between AWMS and a support server at AirWave.