Administrator Guide

156 | Onboard Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
l Trusted Certificate—Use this option when the certificate is to be issued to a network server, such as a
Web server or as the EAP-TLS authentication server.
n When this option is selected, the issued certificate’s extended key usage property will contain a value
of “Server Auth”, indicating that the certificate may be used to identify a server. Trusted certificates
include the id-kp-eapOverLAN extended key usage.
l Certificate Authority—Use this option when the certificate is for a subordinate certificate authority.
n When this option is selected, the issued certificate will contain an extension identifying it as an
intermediate certificate authority, and the extended key usage property will contain the three values
“Client Auth”, Server Auth” and OCSP Signing.
l Code Signing—Use this option for signing the Windows provisioning application.
l HTTPSUse this option to create certificates suitable for use as HTTPS server certificates.
The fields available on the rest of the Certificate Request Settings form depend on your selection in the
Certificate Type field. For information on configuring these fields, see the following section, "Specifying the
Identity of the Certificate Subject" on page 156.
Specifying the Identity of the Certificate Subject
In the Identity area of the Certificate Request Settings form, provide the identity of the person or device
for which the certificate is to be issued (the subject” of the certificate). Together, these fields are collectively
known as a distinguished name, or DN”:
Field Description
Country Two-letter ISO country code for your organization. This value forms part of the distinguished name
for the certificate.
State Full name of the state or province for your organization. This value forms part of the distinguished
name for the certificate.
Locality Name of the town or city where your organization is located. This value forms part of the
distinguished name for the certificate.
Name of your organization. This value forms part of the distinguished name for the certificate.
onal Unit
(Optional) Name of your organizational unit (section or division of the organization). This value forms
part of the distinguished name for the certificate.
Table 41: Certificate Request Settings Form, Identity and Private Key Areas