Administrator Guide

Field Description
l TV-Y
l TV-Y7
l TV-G
l TV-14
l Allow all TV shows
Apps Specifies the maximum allowed rating for apps. Options include:
l Don’t allow apps
l 4+
l 9+
l 12+
l 17+
l Allow all apps
Books If selected, allows download from the iBookstore of media that are tagged as
Allow In-App Purchase If selected, apps can perform in-app purchases.
Force iTunes Password If selected, requires the user to enter their iTunes password for each transaction.
Table 63: Device Restrictions Settings Form, Content Settings Area(Continued)
Figure 127 The Device Restrictions Settings Form, Security and Privacy Settings Area
Field Description
Allow Diagnostic
If selected, the device automatically submits diagnostic reports to Apple.
Prompt for
Untrusted TLS
If selected, displays a prompt and allows the user to accept untrusted TLS certificates. If
deselected, the device automatically rejects untrusted TLS certificates without prompting the
Force Encrypted
If selected, backups from the device are encrypted.
Table 64: Device Restrictions Settings Form, Security and Privacy Settings Area
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