Administrator Guide

Field Description
Displays details for the Windows application set. The form expands to show its name, description, and
configuration values.
Edit Edit the Windows application set's configuration. The App Set form opens.
Duplicate Creates a copy of a Windows application set to use as a basis for a new set. The App Set form opens
with all attributes prepopulated and "Copy" appended to its name. You can rename the new app set,
and edit any of its attributes.
Delete Deletes the Windows application set. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Displays a list of configuration profiles that use the Windows application set.
new app
To create a new Windows application set, click this link above the table. The App Set configuration
form opens.
Table 81: The Windows App Set List
For information on configuring a Windows app set, see "Configuring App Sets" on page 215.
Configuring App Sets
Windows app sets you define let you specify an app or group of apps to be installed during device provisioning,
and whether an app requires the device to be restarted after provisioning.
To configure an app set, go to Onboard > Configuration >Windows Applications, and then either click the
Edit link for and app set in the list, or click the Create new app set link in the upper-right corner. The App Set
form opens.
Figure 145 The App Set Form
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