Administrator Guide

310 | Configuration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
Figure 209 Form Display Properties Options for the Check Box User Interface
If the Checklist user interface is selected, a list of check boxes is displayed, as shown below:
Figure 210 A Checklist in a Field
The text displayed for each check box is the value from the options list. Zero or more check boxes may be
selected. This user interface type submits an array of values containing the option key values of each selected
check box. Because an array value may not be stored directly in a custom field, you should use the conversion
and value formatting facilities to convert the array value to and from a string when using this user interface
To store a comma-separated list of the selected values:
1. Enable the Advanced options.
2. In the Conversion drop-down list, select NwaImplodeComma.
3. In the Display Function drop-down list, select NwaExplodeComma.
4. In the Display Param field, enter the field’s name.