Administrator Guide

Figure 18 Password Field in Form Field Editor
Field Description
Field If selected, the password field will be included in the form.
Rank Lets you change the rank number to adjust the relative placement of the password field on the Create
Multiple Guest Accounts form. Fields are displayed in order of increasing rank.
Choose Password text field from the drop-down list.
Label (Optional) You may change the label that is displayed on the form.
If selected, the password field cannot be left blank.
Validator Select IsValidPassword in the drop-down list.
Saves your changes. The Customize Form Fields view opens again, and the password field is now
included and can be edited.
Table 14: The Form Field Editor for the Password Field
To create multiple accounts that all use the same password:
1. Go to Guest > Create Multiple. The Create Multiple Guest Accounts form opens, and includes the
Guest Password field.
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