Administrator Guide

'user_enabled' => '',
'guestaccountexpiry_error' => 'Please choose from one of these options.',
'guestaccountexpiry_error_flag' => 1,
'error' => 1,
Method amigopod.guest.create
Create a new guest account.
Name Type Description
sponsor_name String Name of the person sponsoring the
guest account.
visitor_name String Name of the visitor.
visitor_company String Company name of the visitor.
email String The visitor's email address. This will
become their username to log in to
the network.
expire_after Numeric Amount of time before the account
will expire. Specified in hours.
expire_time String Optional date and time at which the
guest account will expire.
role_id Integer RADIUS role ID to assign to the guest
creator_accept_terms Flag Set to 1 to indicate acceptance of the
service's terms of use.
* * Other fields as specified by create_
user form customization.
Table 265: Parameters, amigopod.guest.create
Return Values
Name Type Description
error Flag Set to 1 if the guest account was not
id Integer Set to the ID of the guest account if
the account was created
password String Set to a randomly-generated value
(default behavior only)
*_error String Field-specific error message
*_error_flag Flag Field-specific error flag, set to 1 if
Table 266: Return Values, amigopod.guest.create
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide Administration | 605