Administrator Guide

620 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
Method amigopod.mac.list
List MAC device accounts. (To retrieve guest accounts, see "Method amigopod.guest.list" on page 613)
Name Type Description
details Flag Optional parameter; if set to 1 then
full details of all device accounts are
returned, otherwise only the IDs are
sort string Optional parameter. If set to 1, then
sorts first by the specified column,
and then by username. For the field_
name and +field_name formats,
sort order will be ascending (A to Z);
for the -field_name format the sort
order will be descending (Z to A).
filter string Allows searching for multiple values
when using the equality (=) or
inequality (!=) operators. For more
information, see the Filter description
in "Managing Single Guest Accounts
" on page 64.
Table 283: Parameters, amigopod.mac.list
Return Values
Name Type Description
ids Array Array of device account IDs (if
details was 0).
users Array Array of device account structures (if
details was 1).
Table 284: Return Values, amigopod.mac.list
Access Control
Requires the mac_list privilege (Guest Manager > List MAC Authentication Accounts in the Operator
Profile Editor).
Example Usage
Sample parameters:
'details' => 0,
Sample successful call:
'ids' =>
array (
0 => '37',
1 => '141',
2 => '40',