Administrator Guide

626 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
l To make it easier to select just a few items, you can scroll to the bottom of the list and click the
Unselect All link. All items are then marked with a red X and will be excluded from the import. You can
then select the green check marks for just the items you want.
l The blue arrow is a visual aid marking an item as a category that has subordinate items listed below it.
l To include an item in the import, click the check mark in the item's row. The check mark turns green
and the item's name is highlighted in bold font to indicate it will be included. You can click the check
mark for a category to include all items in the category.
3. Select the items in the list that you want to restore, then mark the Restore settings from backup check
box to confirm.
Restoring the backup will overwrite your current settings.
4. Click Restore Configuration. System progress is displayed while items are being imported. When the
import is complete, the Finished Import page displays the Import Notices list for the restored items. For
more information, see "Viewing Imported Item Details " on page 626.
Viewing Imported Item Details
After you click Restore Configuration to import your 3.9 configuration to your 6.2 system, the Finished
Import page displays the Import Notices list for the restored items. You can click an item's row in the list for
additional options. For some items, a link is provided to the relevant page in the application.
To view information for imported configuration items:
1. Go to Administration >Import Configuration >Last Import. The Import Notices list opens.