Administrator Guide

664 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
The Application Log lists the events, messages, and configuration changes for the past seven days. To view
events and messages for a different period, or to limit the search items, click the Filter tab. The Filter Settings
form opens.
Figure 466 The Filter Settings Form
Field Description
Times Specifies a time period to search.
Severity Specifies the minimum severity of messages to search for:
l Error Returns Error items
l Warning Returns Error and Warning items
l Info— Returns Error, Warning, and Info items
l Debug Returns Error, Warning, Info, and Debug items
Options If selected, all fields of the log record will be searched. The default setting is to search only the Client
IP and Message fields.
Applies your filter settings and runs a new search. Results are displayed in the Application Log list.
Reset Cancels your entries in the filter and restores the default filter settings.
Table 304: Application Log Filter
Events are stored in the Application Log for seven days by default. To review a record of significant runtime
events prior to the last seven days, you can use the Audit Viewer in W-ClearPass Policy Manager’s Monitoring