Administrator Guide

704 | Reference Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
l The textclass parameter, if specified, sets the class attribute of the P element enclosing the command link’s
descriptive text. The default class is nwaInfo”.
l The alt parameter, if specified, sets the ALT attribute of the command link’s icon. If not specified, the
default alt text used is the command text.
l The target” parameter, if specified, sets the TARGET attribute of the hyperlink. If not specified, no TARGET
attribute is provided.
The body of the element is the HREF of the command link. The icon” and command” parameters are
required. All other parameters are optional.
{nwa_iconlink} {/nwa_iconlink}
Smarty registered block function. Generates a combined icon and text link to a specified URL.
Usage example:
{nwa_iconlink icon="images/icon-info22.png" text="More Information"}more_information.php
l The icon” parameter is the SRC to the image of the icon. This should normally be a relative path.
l The text” parameter is the text to display next to the icon. This will also be used as the alternate text (that
is, a tooltip) for the icon image.
l The width” and height” parameters, if specified, provide the dimensions of the icon to display. If not
specified, this is automatically determined from the image.
l The onclick” parameter, if specified, provides the contents for the onclick attribute of the link.
l The target” parameter, if specified, provides the contents for the target attribute of the link.
l The alt parameter, if specified, sets the ALT attribute of the icon. If not specified, the default alt text used
is the icon text.
l The style parameter, if specified, provides CSS for the SPAN element used to implement the icon link.
The body of the element is the HREF of the link. This HREF will be added to both the icon and the text. If the
content of the link is empty, no link will be inserted. This can be used to insert an icon and text as an inline
group. No HTML entity escaping is performed when inserting content using this function.
{nwa_icontext} {/nwa_icontext}
Smarty registered block function. Generates a block of text with a marker icon displayed in the top left.
Usage examples:
{nwa_icontext icon="images/icon-info22.png"}Text to display{/nwa_icontext}
{nwa_icontext type="info"}Information block{/nwa_icontext}
l The icon” parameter, if specified, is the SRC to the image of the icon. This should normally be a relative
l The width” and height” parameters, if specified, provide the dimensions of the icon to display. If not
specified, this is automatically determined from the image.
l The alt parameter, if specified, provides the alternate text for the icon.
l The class” parameter, if specified, is the style name to apply to a containing DIV element wrapped around
the content. If this is empty, and a default is not provided through the type parameter, no wrapper DIV is