Administrator Guide

714 | Reference Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
l enter_level2_item
l enter_level3_item
l exit_level1_item
l exit_level2_item
l exit_level3_item
l between_level1_items
l between_level2_items
l between_level3_items
l level1_active
l level1_inactive
l level2_active
l level2_inactive
l level2_parent_active
l level2_parent_inactive
l level3_active
l level3_inactive
l enter_level1
l enter_level2
l enter_level3
l exit_level1
l exit_level2
l exit_level3
{nwa_plugin }
Smarty registered template function. Generates plugin information based on the parameters specified.
Specifying which plugin:
l The ‘id’ parameter specifies a plugin ID.
l The ‘name parameter specifies a plugin name, or plugin filename.
l The ‘page parameter specifies a page name provided by the plugin.
l The ‘privilege parameter specifies a privilege defined by the plugin.
If none of the above is specified, the default is the same as specifying the ‘page parameter with the current
script name as argument (that is, the current page).
Specifying the output:
l The ‘notfound parameter specifies the return value, if the plugin was not found (default is the empty
l The ‘output’ parameter specifies the metadata field to return
If ‘output’ is not specified, the default is ‘output=id’; that is, the plugin ID is returned.