Administrator Guide

716 | Reference Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
Usage examples:
{nwa_userpref name=prefName}
{nwa_userpref name=prefName default=10}
{nwa_userpref has=prefName}
l “name: return the named user preference
l “default”: supply a value to be returned if the preference is not set
l “has: return 1 if the named preference exists for the current user, 0 if the preference does not exist
{nwa_youtube video=ID width=cx height=cy …} {/nwa_youtube}
Smarty registered block function. Provides simple support for embedding a YouTube video in the body of a
page. The content of this block is the initial alternate content that will be presented until the YouTube player
can be embedded (if it can be embedded).
Not all devices are capable of playing back YouTube video content.
Usage example:
{nwa_youtube video=Y7dpJ0oseIA width=320 height=240}
YouTube is the world’s most popular online video community.
The supported parameters for this block function are:
l video (required) the YouTube video ID to embed.
l width (required) the width in pixels of the video.
l height (required) the height in pixels of the video.
l autoplay (optional) if true, auto-play the video.
l chrome (optional) if true, use the chromed player; that is, provide a user experience with playback
l version (optional) the minimum version required to play the video.
l onended (optional) the name of a global function (that is, a member of the JavaScript window object)
that is to be called at the end of video playback.
Date/Time Format Syntax
This section describes the two basic modifiers available for you to use in Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest:
l "nwadateformat Modifier" on page 716
l "nwatimeformat Modifier" on page 717
nwadateformat Modifier
The date format takes one or two arguments the format description and an optional default value (used if
there is no time/date to display). UTF-8 is the character encoding used throughout the application, as this
covers languages such as Spanish that use non-ASCII characters.