Administrator Guide

Any other alphanumeric characters in the picture string will be used in the resulting username or password.
Some examples of the picture string are shown below:
Picture String Sample Password
#### 3728
user#### user3728
v^^#__ vQU3nj
@@@@@ Bh7Pm
Table 335: Picture String Example Passwords
Form Field Validation Functions
See "Form Validation Properties" on page 323, and "Examples of Form field Validation" on page 325 for details
about using validation functions for form fields.
The built-in validator functions are:
l IsArrayKey Checks that the value is one of the keys in the array supplied as the argument to the
l IsArrayValue Checks that the value is one of the values in the array supplied as the argument to the
l IsEqual Checks that the value is equal to the value supplied as the argument to the validator, allowing for
standard type conversion rules.
l IsGreaterThan Checks that the value is strictly greater than a specified minimum value supplied as the
argument to the validator.
l IsIdentical Checks that the value is equal to the value supplied as the argument to the validator, and has
the same type.
l IsInRange Checks that the value is in a specified range between a minimum and maximum value. The
minimum and maximum values are specified as a 2-element array as the argument to the validator.
l IsInOptionsList—Checks against a list of options in the policy definition.
l IsNonEmpty Checks that the value is a non-empty string (length non-zero and not all whitespace), or a
non-empty array.
l IsNonNegative Checks that the value is numeric and non-negative.
l IsRegexMatch Checks that the value matches a regular expression supplied as the argument the
validator. The regular expression should be a Perl-compatible regular expression with delimiters. For
example, the validator argument /^a/i will match any value that starts with an “a”, case-insensitively.
"Regular Expressions" on page 749 for more information about regular expression syntax.
l IsValidAirGroupSharedGroups Checks that the value is a valid shared group list. Otherwise, returns a
description of the error(s).
If $arg is an array it may specify the following options:
n syntax_only: Default true. If false, requires that the values provided correspond to those from the
AirGroup plugin configuration.
n protocol_version: Default 2. If 1, changes the default validation properties (see below).
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