Administrator Guide

For the same validation as performed in AirGroup protocol version 1, set $arg to array('protocol_
version' => 1).
Setting a max_* parameter to 0 disables validation of that property.
l IsValidAirGroupSharedTime Checks that the value is a valid time-based sharing policy. Otherwise,
returns a description of the error(s). Validation is first performed on the basic time sharing rules. For
information about the type of validation performed, see "AirGroup Time-Based Sharing Syntax Examples"
on page 85.
If $arg is an array, it may specify any of the options accepted by the sub-validators for shared users, shared
roles, shared locations, and shared groups.
General validation options:
n syntax_only: Default true. If false, requires that the values provided correspond to those from the
AirGroup controller configuration.
n protocol_version: Default 2. If 1, changes the default validation properties (see below).
Validating shared locations:
n max_locations: Maximum number of location tags to allow, default 100.
n max_location_length: Maximum length in characters of any single location tag, default 64.
n max_location_list_length: Maximum total length of the shared location list, including comma
separator characters, default 1000.
n include_ap_group: Default true. Allows AP-Group=... tags.
n include_ap_name: Default true. Allows AP-Name=... tags.
n include_fqln: Default true. Allows FQLN=... tags.
Validating shared roles:
n max_roles: Maximum number of roles to allow, default 100.
n max_role_length: Maximum length in characters of any single role name, default 64.
n max_role_list_length: Maximum total length of the role list, including comma separator characters,
default 1000.
Validating shared users:
n max_users: Maximum number of usernames to allow, default 100.
n max_user_length: Maximum length in characters of any single username, default 64.
n max_user_list_length: Maximum total length of the username list, including comma separator
characters, default 1000.
For the same validation as performed in AirGroup protocol version 1, set $arg to array('protocol_
version' => 1).
Setting a max_* parameter to 0 disables validation of that property.
l IsValidAirGroupSharedUser Checks that the value is a comma-separated user list, where user names
should not contain "," or space.
If $arg is an array it may specify the following options:
n protocol_version: Default 2. If 1, changes the default validation properties (see below).
n max_users: Maximum number of usernames to allow, default 100.
n max_user_length: Maximum length in characters of any single username, default 64.
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