Administrator Guide

2. In the Chromebook Devices row, select the Enable Chromebook device provisioning check box.
3. In the Chromebook Token row, select the hardware token to store certificates against. Options include:
l User-Specific
l System-Wide
4. Click Save Changes. Configuration fields for Chromebook are added to the Instructions & Messages
For more information, see "Configuring Provisioning Settings for Supported Devices" on page 227.
Configure Instructions and Messages
1. After you enable Chromebook on the Supported Devices tab, click the Instructions & Messages tab.
The text displayed on the device provisioning page for Chromebook devices can be customized here.
Figure 489 Provisioning Settings, Instructions &Messages Tab, Chromebook Area
2. Make the appropriate selections in the Provisioning Instructions, Device Status, and Chromebook
Instructions areas. For more information, see "Configuring Provisioning Settings for Instructions and
Messages" on page 238.
3. Click Save Changes.
4. Use the other tabs in the Provisioning Settings form to complete the configuration for the provisioning
setting, and save the configuration. For more information, see "About Configuring Provisioning Settings " on
page 221.
Google Admin Configuration for Chromebook
This section describes Google Admin configuration for Chromebook in Onboard.
To begin, log in to the Google admin console at
Configuring the Chrome extension
1. In the Google Admin console, select the Device Management option.
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