Administrator Guide

772 | Glossary Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.6 | User Guide
Process used to securely provision a device and configure it with network settings.
Pre-shared key. Shared secret that was previously shared between two parties over a secure channel prior to
public key
The part of a public/private key pair that is made public. The public key is used to encrypt a message; the recip-
ient’s private key is required to decrypt the message. A large part of a digital certificate is the certificate
owner’s public key. See also private key.
public-key infrastructure
Security technology based on digital certificates and the assurances provided by strong cryptography. See
also certificate authority, digital certificate, public key, private key.
Required server in a cluster. Each cluster can have only one publisher; it is the first server installed on the
cluster. The publisher provides database services to the subscribers in the cluster. See also cluster, sub-
push certificates
Enable the server to work with the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and Apple iOS devices connected to
an MDM account.
See QuickConnect.
Functionality within W-ClearPass used to securely provision an Android, Windows, or OS X device and con-
figure it with network settings. QuickConnect's functionality is incorporated within Onboard.
Remote Access Dial-In User Server. Network access-control protocol for verifying and authenticating users;
provides AAA management. A RADIUS transaction might be 802.1X, MAC-Auth, or generic RADIUS.
Request For Comments; a commonly-used format for Internet standards documents.
RFC 3576 Dynamic Authorization
Dynamic authorization describes the ability to make changes to a visitor account’s session while it is in pro-
gress. This might include disconnecting a session or updating some aspect of the authorization for the ses-