Users Guide

254 | Configuring Identity Settings Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Parameter Action/Description
Role 6. Select a static role to be assigned to the user from the Role drop-down list.
7. To add attributes for the local users, click Click to add...
A new row is created with a drop-down list in the Attribute column. This field is
optional. The list of local user attributes are:
n Department
n Designation
n Email
n Phone
n Sponsor
n Title
a. To add a custom attribute in the Attribute column, select an attribute
from the drop-down list or enter any string.
NOTE: If you add a new custom attribute, it is available for selection in the Attribute
drop-down list for all local users.
b. In the Value column, enter a value for the attribute specified in the
corresponding row.
NOTE: All attributes entered for a local user are available in the role-mapping rules
editor under the LocalUser namespace.
When you click Add, you return to the Local User page where the following
message is displayed:
User <username> added successfully
Table 126: Adding a Local User Parameters (Continued)
Modifying a Local User Account
To modify a local user account:
1. Navigate to the Configuration >Identity > Local Users page.
2. Click the User ID row that you want to edit.
The Edit Local User window opens.