Users Guide

300 | Posture Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Parameter Action/Description
1. Enable auto remediation for registry checks.
Use this page to automatically add or remove registry keys based on the entries in Registry
keys to be present and Registry keys to be absent fields.
2. Enable user notifications for registry check policy violations.
Monitor Mode 3. Enable this to set the health status of the Registry Keys health class healthy.
This allows administrators to collect information related to missing registry keys without
marking the clients as unhealthy even if some registry keys are missing.
Registry keys
to be present
4. To specify a registry key to be added to the Registry keys to be present list, click Add.
If the specified registry key is not present, the remediation message that is added in the
Registry Keys Page (Detail) window is displayed on OnGuard Agent.
Registry keys
to be absent
5. To add a registry key to the Registry keys to be absent list, click Add.
If the specified registry key is not absent, the remediation message that is added in the
Registry Keys Page (Detail) window is displayed on OnGuard Agent.
Table 151: Registry Keys Page Parameters
6. To configure the Registry key to Be Present, click Add.
The Edit Registry Key to Be Present dialog opens.
Figure 258: Edit Registry Keys to Be Present Parameters
7. Specify the Registry Key to be Present parameters as described in Table 152, then click Save.