Users Guide

Figure 273: ClearPass Windows Universal System Health Validator: Patch Management
9. Specify the Patch Management parameters as described in the following table.
Parameter Action/Description
A patch management
application is on
To enable testing of health data for configured Antivirus application(s), check the A
patch management application is on check box.
The Patch Management configuration dialog opens
Remediation Checks
Auto Remediation To enable auto-remediation of patch management status, check the Auto
Remediation check box .
User Notification To enable user notification of policy violation of patch management status, check the
User Notification check box.
Product Evaluation Rule
Product Evaluation Rule Select the appropriate Product Evaluation Rule:
l Pass All: Select this product evaluation rule if you want the Patch Management
health class to be deemed as healthy only if all the configured patch management
products are present.
Pass All is the equivalent of an AND condition.
l Pass Any One: Select this product evaluation rule if you want the Patch
Management health class to be deemed as healthy if any one of the configured
patch management products are present. Pass Any One is the equivalent of an
OR condition. Pass Any One is the default.
Table 156: Patch Management Parameters
10.To configure patch management application checks, click Add.
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