Users Guide

Figure 291: File to be Present > Add Dialog
The following table describes the File to be Present > Add parameters:
Parameter Action/Description
File Location 1. Select any location of the file from the drop-down list:
n SystemDrive
n Systemroot
n ProgramFiles
n ProgramFiles (x86)
n None
Enter the File Path 2. Enter the file path as described in the examples from the user interface.
Enter the File Name 3. Enter the name of the file.
Enter the MD5 Sum Optionally, specify one or more (comma separated) MD5 checksums of the process
executable file.
Remediation Message 4. Specify the custom remediation message to be displayed to end users if File check
Table 169: File to be Present > Add Parameters
5. When finished, click Save.
The parameters configured in the File to be Present > Add dialog are reflected in the File Groups to be
Present page as illustrated in the following figure:
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