Users Guide

The following table describes the Services page parameters:
Parameter Description
Enable to allow auto remediation for service checks (Automatically stop or start services based on
the entries in Service to run and Services to stop configuration).
Enable to allow user notifications for service check policy violations.
This scrolling list contains a list of services that you can select and move to the Services to run or
Services to stop panels (using their associated widgets). This list varies depending on OS types.
Click the >> or << to add or remove, respectively, the services from the Service to run or Services
to stop boxes.
Insert To add a service to the list of available services, enter its name in the text box adjacent to this
button, then click Insert.
Delete To remove a service from the list of available services, select it and click Delete.
Table 172: Services Page
W-ClearPass Macintosh OS X Universal System Health Validator: OnGuard Agent
To configure the W-ClearPass Universal System Health Validator for Macintosh OS X:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Posture > Posture Policies, then click Add.
The Add Posture Policies dialog appears.
Figure 298: Adding a Universal System Health Validator for a Mac OS X Posture Policy
2. Specify the following:
a. Policy Name/Description: Enter the name and a description of the posture policy.
b. Posture Agent: Select OnGuard Agent.
c. Host Operating System: Select Mac OS X.
3. Click Next.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide Posture | 333