Users Guide

Parameter Action/Description
Enter the File Group
1. Enter the name of the file group.
File Group Evaluation Rule 2. Select the appropriate File Group Evaluation Rule:
l Pass All: Select this evaluation rule if you want the File Check health class to be
deemed as 'healthy' only if all the configured file groups are present.
l Pass Any One: Select this evaluation rule if you want the File Check health class
to be deemed as 'healthy' even if any one of the configured file groups are present.
Table 176: File Group to Be Present > Add Parameters
3. To configure the name of the file group and the evaluation rule for the file group, from File Groups to be
Present, click Add.
The following figure displays the File to Be Present > Add page:
Figure 324: File to be Present > Add Dialog
The following table describes the File to Be Present > Add parameters:
Parameter Action/Description
File Location 1. Select any location of the file from the drop-down list:
l Applications
l UserBin
l UserLocalBin
l UserSBin
l None
Enter the File Path 2. Enter the file path as described in the examples from the GUI.
Enter the File Name 3. Enter the name of the file.
Table 177: File to Be Present > Add Parameters
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