Users Guide

Figure 333: Posture Policy Rules Tab and Rules Editor
The following table describes the Rules Editor configuration parameters:
Parameter Description
Select Plugin Checks Click select one of the following plugin check types for System Health Validators (SHVs):
l Passes all SHV checks
l Passes one or more SHV checks
l Fails all SHV checks
l Fails one or more SHV checks
Select Plugins Select the plug-in to which the plug-in checks should apply.
Posture Token Select one of the following posture token types.
Table 178: Posture Policy Rules Editor Parameters
Configuring Posture for Services
Policy Manager can forward all or part of the posture data received from the client to a posture server. The
posture server evaluates the posture data and returns application posture tokens. Policy Manager supports
the Microsoft NPS Server for Microsoft NAP integration. To configure the posture for a service, navigate to the
Add Service (Configuration > Services > Add) page. The Posture tab is not enabled by default. To enable
posture checking for this service, select the Posture Compliance check box from the More Options field on
the Service tab.
You can enable the posture checking for this kind of service, if you deploy any of the following:
l Policy Manager in a Microsoft Network Access Protection (NAP)
l Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) Framework environment
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