Users Guide

2. Restart the Nessus service.
For example:
centos# service nessusd restart
3. If the external Nessus server has Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabled, add the Nessus CA Certificate to
the W-ClearPass Certificate Trust List (see Certificate Trust List on page 681).
You can download the Nessus CA certificate from:
Nessus Scan Profiles
A scan profile contains a set of scripts (plugins) that perform specific audit functions. To Add/Edit Scan Profiles,
select Add/Edit Scan Profile (link) from the Primary Server tab of the Nessus Audit Server configuration.
The Nessus Scan Profile Configuration page displays.
Figure 342: Nessus Scan Profile Configuration Page
You can refresh the plugins list (after uploading plugins into Policy Manager, or after refreshing the plugins on
your external Nessus server) by clicking Refresh Plugins List. The Nessus Scan Profile Configuration page
provides three views for scan profile configuration:
l The Profile tab identifies the profile and provides a mechanism for selection of plugins:
n From the Filter plugins by family drop-down list, select a family to display all available member plugins
in the list below. You may also enter the name of a plugin in Filter plugins by ID or name text box.
n Select one or more plugins by enabling their corresponding check boxes (at left). Policy Manager will
remember selections as you select other plugins from other plugin families.
n When finished, click the Selected Plugins tab.
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