Users Guide

458 | W-ClearPass Policy Manager Profile Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Figure 452: Scheduling a Subnet Scan
3. Configure the Schedule Subnet Scan parameters as described in the following table. When finished, click
Parameter Action/Description
Policy Manager Zone Select the Policy Manager Zone.
NOTE: If Policy Manager Zones have not yet been set up, you can select the default zone,
which will allow you to proceed with the subnet scan configuration procedure. For details,
see Managing Policy Manager Zones on page 541.
IP Subnet to Scan Enter the IPaddresses for the subnets you wish to scan (using comma-separated values).
Start Time of Scan Specify the time at which the subnet scan should start the first time.
When you click this field, a time calendar opens, from which you can select the start time.
Frequency of Scan Choose one of the following options to specify the subnet scan's frequency:
l Hourly: This is the default setting.
l Daily
l Weekly: When you select Weekly, the Select Day of Week field appears. Select the
day of the week you want the scans to occur.
Interval This option is displayed when you select Hourly for the scan frequency. Specify the
profile subnet scan interval in hours.
The default value is 24 hours. The range is from 3 to 350 hours.
Table 258: Schedule Subnet Scan Parameters
You return to the Subnet Scans page, where the IP subnets are listed, along with their Policy Manager zone
(if specified) and the subnet scan schedule:
Figure 453: Subnet Scan Configured