Users Guide

Figure 539: Adding a Subscriber Node
3. Specify the Add Subscriber Node parameters as described in the following table, then click Save:
Parameter Action/Description
Publisher IP Enter the Publisher node's IP address.
Publisher Password Specify the Publisher node's password.
NOTE: The password specified here is the password for the CLI user
Restore the local log database after this
To restore the log database after the Subscriber node has been
added, select the check box.
Do not backup the existing databases
before this operation
If you do not require a backup to the existing databases on this
node, select the check box.
Table 296: Add Subscriber Node Parameters
Cluster-Wide Parameters
This section describes the following Cluster-Wide Parameters features:
l General Parameters
l Cleanup Intervals Parameters
l Notifications Parameters
l Standby Publisher Parameters
l Virtual IP Parameters
l Mode Parameters
l Database Parameters
l Profiler Parameters
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