Users Guide

3. Configure the Cluster-Wide Parameters > General parameters as described in the following table, then
click Save.
Parameter Action/Description
Policy result cache timeout Specify the duration allowed in minutes to store the role mapping and posture
results derived by the policy engine during a policy evaluation.
A value of 0 disables caching.
This result can then be used in subsequent evaluation of policies associated with
a service, if the Use cached Roles and Posture attributes from previous
sessions option is turned on for the service.
NOTE: The value of the Policy result cache timeout field must be greater than
the highest value set in the Health Check Interval (in hours) fields.
For example, if you have created the profiles Student-Enforcement-Profile and
Staff-Enforcement-Profile with health check interval configured, then the value of
the Policy result cache timeout field must be greater than the highest value of
the Health Check Quiet Period (in hours) value configured among the
following profiles:
l Global Agent Settings
l Student-Enforcement-Profile
l Staff-Enforcement-Profile
Free disk space threshold
Specify the percentage below which disk usage warnings are issued in the
Monitoring > Event Viewer page.
For example, a value of 30% indicates that a warning is issued only when the
available disk space is 30% or lower.
An error message similar to the following may appear in the System Event
Details dialog:
System is running with low disk space. Aggressive cleanup will be initiated when the
available disk space falls below 80%. Current available disk space = 75%
Free memory threshold value Specify the percentage below which RAM usage warnings are issued in the
W-ClearPass Event Viewer.
For example, a value of 30 indicates that a warning is issued only when the
available RAM is 30% or lower.
Endpoint Context Servers
polling interval
Enter the interval in minutes between polling of endpoint context servers.
The default interval is 60 minutes.
Automatically check for
available Software Updates
Specify whether to enable automatic checking for available software updates.
The default it TRUE.
Login Banner Text Customize the banner text that appears on the W-ClearPass login screen and CLI
access window.
Admin Session Idle Timeout Specify the maximum idle time permitted for admin users, beyond which the
session times out.
The default value is 30 minutes. The allowed range is 5 to 1440 minutes (24
Table 297: Cluster-Wide Parameters > General Page Parameters
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