Users Guide

System Level Configuration
The following figure displays the System Level dialog:
Figure 556: Log Configuration - System Level tab
The following table describes the System Level tab parameters:
Parameter Action/Description
Select Server 1. Specify the server for which you want to configure logs.
Number of
log files
2. Specify the number of log files of a specific module to keep at any given time.
When a log file reaches the specified size (see Limit each log file size to), Policy
Manager rolls the log over to another file until the specified number of log files is
reached. Once the number of log files exceeds the specified value, Policy Manager
overwrites the oldest file.
Limit each log
file size to
3. Specify the size of each log file before the log rolls over to the next file.
The default value is 50 MB.
Syslog Settings
Syslog Server 4. Specify the name of the syslog server.
Policy Manager sends the configured module logs to this syslog server.
Syslog Server
5. Specify the syslog server port number.
The default is 514.
Table 309: Log Configuration > System Level Parameters
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