Users Guide

582 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
l Adding an SNMP Trap Server on page 582
l Importing an SNMP Trap Server on page 584
l Exporting All SNMP Trap Servers on page 585
l Exporting an SNMP Trap Server on page 586
l Deleting an SNMP Trap Server on page 587
W-ClearPass Policy Manager sends SNMP traps that expose the following server information:
l System up-time: Provides information about how long the W-ClearPass server has been running.
l Network interface statistics [up/down]: Provides information about whether the network interface is
up or down.
l Process monitoring information: Checks for the processes that should be running, including maximum
and minimum number of allowed instances. Sends traps if there is a change in value of the maximum and
minimum numbers.
l Disk usage: Checks for disk space usage of a partition. The agent can check the amount of available disk
space and make sure it's above the set limit. The value can be in percentage as well. Sends traps if there is a
change in the value.
l CPU load information: Checks for unreasonable load average values. For example, if CPU load average for
one minute exceeds the configured value (in percentage), the W-ClearPass server sends a trap to the
configured destination.
l Memory usage: Reports the W-ClearPass server's memory usage.
SNMP Trap Receivers Main Page
To view a list of SNMP trap receivers configured on the W-ClearPass Policy Manager server, navigate to
Administration > External Servers > SNMP Trap Receivers.
The following figure displays the SNMP Trap Receivers page:
Figure 579: SNMP Trap Receivers Page
About the W-ClearPass SNMP Private MIB
For information about the W-ClearPass SNMP Private MIB, see W-ClearPass SNMP Private MIB on page 867.
Adding an SNMP Trap Server
A trap is an SNMP message sent from one application to another (which is typically on a remote host).