Users Guide

594 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Parameter Action/Description
Export Event
Format Type
Select any one of the export event formats from the following options:
l Standard: Select this event format type to send the event types in raw syslog format. This is
the default event format type.
l LEEF: Select this event format type to send the event types in Log Enhanced Event Format
l CEF: Select this event format type to send the event types in Common Event Format (CEF).
For sample event format types, see Export Event Format Types—Examples on page 594.
Syslog Servers Syslog servers define the receivers of syslog messages sent by servers in the W-ClearPass
l To add a W-ClearPass syslog server, select it from the Select to Add drop-down list.
l To add a new W-ClearPass syslog server, click the Add New Syslog Target link (for more
information, see Adding a Syslog Target on page 588).
l To view details about a syslog server, select the syslog server, then click View Details.
l To change details about a syslog server, select the syslog server, then click Modify. For more
information, see Adding a Syslog Target on page 588.
l To remove a syslog server (from receiving syslog messages), select the syslog server, then
click Remove.
You can designate syslog messages to be sent from exactly one server in the W-ClearPass
cluster or from all of them.
l To add a W-ClearPass server, select it from the Select to Add drop-down list.
l To remove the W-ClearPass server, select the W-ClearPass server, then click Remove.
NOTE: When no servers are listed, syslog messages are sent from all servers in the cluster.
Table 321: Add Syslog Export Filters > General Tab Parameters (Continued)
Export Event Format Types—Examples
This section provides several examples of Standard, LEEF, and CEF event format types for the syslog export
filter templates.
Standard Event Format Type > Audit Events
The following example describes the Standard event format type for the Audit Events syslog export filter
Mar 20 21:18:56 2017-01-19 21:19:50,118 Audit Logs 96 1 0
228,Timestamp=Jan 19, 2017 21:18:54 IST
Mar 20 21:20:56 2017-01-19 21:21:50,111 Audit Logs 97 1 0
TimestampFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,S,User=admin,Category=Cluster-wide
Parameter,Action=MODIFY,EntityName=Endpoint Context Servers polling
interval,src=,Timestamp=Jan 19, 2017 21:20:22 IST
Mar 21 09:28:59 2017-01-20 09:29:54,3 Audit Logs 99 1 0
TimestampFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,S,User=admin,Category=Network
Device,Action=REMOVE,EntityName=,src=,Timestamp=Jan 20, 2017 09:29:13 IST
Standard Event Format Type > System Events
The following example describes the Standard event format type for the System Events syslog export filter
Mar 21 16:46:29 2017-01-20 16:47:23,880 System Events 0 1 0
TimestampFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,S,Description=User: arubasupport\nClient IP Address: