Users Guide

612 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
The following table describes the Modify Endpoint Context Server > Server parameters:
Parameter Action Description
Server Type The Server Type cannot be modified.
Server Name 1. Enter the name of the server or host.
Server Base URL 2. Enter the full URL for the server.
The default is the name you entered above with "https://" prepended.
You can append a custom port, such as for an MDM server:
Username 3. Enter the username of the server or host.
Password 4. Enter the password of the server or host, then verify the password.
Validate Server 5. Enable this check box to validate the server certificate.
By default, this field is disabled.
NOTE: Checking this option enables the Certificate tab.
Bypass Proxy 6. Select the Enable to bypass proxy server check box to bypass the proxy server.
By default, this field is disabled. You must enable the Enable Server parameter to
enable this field.
You can select this option to specify that the endpoint context server should not use
the configured proxy settings (if a proxy is used). W-ClearPass then bypasses the proxy
server for functions such MDM API, Endpoint Context Server Actions, and Generic
HTTP outbound enforcement.
NOTE: When this field is enabled, the proxy servers configured in the Administration >
Server Manager > Server Configuration > Service Parameters tab > W-ClearPass
System Services service page will be bypassed. The server discovery occurs without any
issues even when the proxy servers are bypassed.
Table 333: Modify Endpoint Context Server > Server Parameters
Actions Tab
Use the Actions tab to view the server action that is performed on endpoints and their description. The fields
and parameters that are displayed in the Actions dialog vary depending on which Server Type you select (see
the Select Server Type vendor links listed in Table 330, "Add Endpoint Context Server Parameters").
For more information about endpoint context server actions configuration, see Configuring Endpoint Context
Server Actions on page 614.
The following figure displays an example of the Modify Endpoint Context Server > Actions tab: