Users Guide

614 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Configuring Endpoint Context Server Actions
This section contains the following information:
l Filtering an Endpoint Context Server Action Report
l Configuring Endpoint Context Server Actions
l Adding machine-os and host-type Endpoint Attributes
Filtering an Endpoint Context Server Action Report
Use the Filter controls to configure a search for a subset of Endpoint Context Server Action items.
To filter an endpoint context server action report:
1. Navigate to Administration > Dictionaries > Context Server Actions.
The Endpoint Context Server Actions page opens (see Figure 607).
2. From the Filter drop-down, select a filter: ServerType, Action Name, or HTTP method.
3. To add up to four new search fields, click the Plus icon.
4. Select a search argument.
The search arguments are limited to contains or equals.
5. Click Go.
Configuring Endpoint Context Server Actions
Use the Endpoint Context Server Actions page to configure actions that are performed on endpoints, such
as locking a device, triggering a remote, or enterprise wipe, and so on.
The Context Server Actions page displays the report that shows information about all configured Endpoint
Context Server Actions.
To configure endpoint context server actions:
1. Navigate to Administration > Dictionaries > Context Server Actions > Endpoint Context Server
Actions page.
Figure 607 displays an example of the Endpoint Context Server Actions page:
Figure 607: Endpoint Context Server Actions Page
Table 334 describes the Endpoint Context Server Actions settings: