Users Guide

628 | Administration Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
The following table describes the Add Endpoint Context Server - Server (Google Admin Console) tab
Parameter Description
Select Server Type Choose Google Admin Console from the drop-down list.
Client Id Enter the client ID. For example,
Client Secret Enter the client secret. For example, gMcfg342ePaKgx1ZlXK.
Google API Access Authenticate and authorize W-ClearPass for access to Google Admin APIs for your
Validate Server Enable to validate the server certificate. Checking this option enables the Certificate tab.
For more information on certificate, see Certificates Tab on page 628.
Enable Server Enable this field to fetch endpoints from the server.
Bypass Proxy Select the Enable to bypass proxy server check box to bypass the proxy server. When
this field is enabled, the proxy servers configured in the Administration > Server
Manager > Server Configuration > Service Parameters tab > ClearPass system
services service page will be bypassed. The server discovery occurs without any issues
even when the proxy servers are bypassed. By default, this field is disabled.
Table 344: Add Endpoint Context Server - Server (Google Admin Console) Tab Parameters
Certificates Tab
The following figure displays the Add Endpoint Context Server - Certificates (Google Admin Console) tab:
Figure 621: Add Endpoint Context Server - Certificates (Google Admin Console) Tab