Users Guide

HTML Content for OnGuard Custom Web Pages
l OnGuard Start Page
l OnGuard Progress Page
l OnGuard Finish Success Page
l OnGuard Finish Error Page
l OnGuard Finish Reboot Page
This section provides the required names for each OnGuard custom web page as well as the recommended
HTML content.
Be sure to use the Page Names specified here as W-ClearPass Policy Manager and OnGuard Agent look for
pages with these names. Text in italics should not be changed.
OnGuard Start Page
The OnGuard Start Page is the initial web page shown to the end user when script execution begins. This page
might include a Next button.
Page Name: onguard_start
<p>Your device does not meet Minimum Specifications, which is required before you can connect to the
<p>The following is required:</p>
<div id="tasks_list">
<p>Please click the Next button below to start the remediation needed.</p>
<p>You will be connected to the Network after verification that your device meets all Minimum Security
<p><button id="next_button" type="button" onclick=""/>Next</button></p>
If the Next button is missing on the OnGuard Start Page, OnGuard Agent will move to the OnGuard Progress Page
after 30 seconds. This time duration is not configurable.
OnGuard Progress Page
The OnGuard Progress Page shows the progress and status of custom scripts that are being executed.
Page Name: onguard_progress
<p>Please do not disconnect your device.</p>
<div id="task_progress_list">
OnGuard Finish Success Page
The OnGuard Finish Success Page is shown after all the scripts have executed successfully and a system reboot
is not necessary. This page includes a Close button.
Page Name: onguard_finish_success
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide Administration | 705