Users Guide

726 | Cluster Upgrade/Update Tool Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Viewing Upgrade Status
After the Publisher Upgrade is complete, you can monitor the Upgrade status of the Subscriber nodes at
Administration > Agents and Software Updates > Software Updates > Cluster Upgrade.
The tool provides two ways to monitor the upgrade’s progress:
1. On the Cluster Upgrade page, progress indicators in the Upgrade Steps area show the status of some
of the main steps.
Indicators in the Publisher Details and Subscriber Details areas also show when the Publisher or
each Subscriber node is in progress or completed.
When the upgrade is complete, these areas should show a successful upgrade status for the Publisher
and every Subscriber node.
Figure 720: Status Indicators in the Upgrade Steps Area
If you navigate to another page, and then navigate back to the Software Updates page, a status link will
be provided.
Figure 721: In Progress Status Link
Clicking the link takes you back to the Cluster Upgrade page.
2. For detailed progress information, click the View Logs button in the Publisher’s or Subscriber’s row.
The Logs window opens. This window includes tabs for the Patch, Download, Upgrade, Reboot, and
Onboot logs.
You can view detailed status in these logs during and after the upgrade.
This option is not available while the Publisher is rebooted and data migration is in progress. It is available again
when the Publisher upgrade is complete.