Users Guide

728 | Cluster Upgrade/Update Tool Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
7. During the parallel upgrade process, upgrade of the first Subscriber node begins five minutes after the
Publisher upgrade is completed.
8. Upgrade of the second Subscriber node begins five minutes after the upgrade of the first Subscriber
begins. This pattern continues sequentially for all Subscriber nodes in the cluster, with a five-minute
delay between each start time.
9. When each Subscriber is rebooted, it is added back into the cluster. Insight data is migrated and
10.When all selected Subscriber nodes have been upgraded, you can select and trigger the upgrade
operation for any additional Subscribe nodes.
11.When all the Subscriber nodes in the cluster have been upgraded, the Standby Publisher settings are
Detailed information for each of these steps is available in the Logs window during and after upgrade.
Sample Times Required for Upgrade
To help you estimate how much time the upgrade might take, Table 383 shows representative numbers for
upgrade times under test conditions. Keep in mind that the figures here are only examples. The actual time
required for your upgrade depends on several factors:
l Your hardware or virtual appliance model. In the case of virtual machine installations, upgrade times
vary significantly based on the IOPS performance of your virtual machine infrastructure.
l The size of the configuration database to be migrated.
l For W-ClearPass Insight nodes, the size of the Insight database.
l For Subscriber nodes, the bandwidth and latency of the network link between the Subscriber and the
Config DB
DB Size
Upgrade Time
Insight Restoration
CP-500 100 MB 5 GB 50 minutes 50 minutes
20 minutes
200 MB 5 GB 60 minutes 60 minutes
20 minutes
CP-5K 100 MB 5 GB 50 minutes 50 minutes
15 minutes
200 MB 5 GB 60 minutes 60 minutes
15 minutes
CP-25K 200 MB 5 GB 30 minutes 30 minutes
15 minutes
500 MB 10 GB 40 minutes 40 minutes
20 minutes
Table 383: Sample Times Required for Upgrade
Troubleshooting Tips
l If you encounter errors while upgrading a Subscriber, use a manual upgrade procedure to upgrade the
Subscriber after the root cause for the upgrade failure has been fixed.
l If you need to revert to the previous version of W-ClearPass, you can do so manually from the CLI for
individual Subscribers (see Cluster Commands on page 821).