Users Guide

740 | OnGuard Dissolvable and Native Agents Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Figure 732: OnGuard Agent Support Charts for Plugin Versions 1.0 and 2.0
Upgrading From OnGuard Plugin Version 1.0 to 2.0
This section contains the following information:
l Overview
l Creating a New Enforcement Profile to Set the SDKType
l Modifying an Existing Enforcement Policy for OnGuard Plugin v2.0
l Creating a New Posture Policy for OnGuard Plugin v2.0 Agents
l Creating a WebAuth Service for OnGuard Plugin v2.0 Agents
l Important Points
The W-ClearPass OnGuard Agents for Windows and macOS support OnGuard plugin version 2.0, which
provides faster performance, enhanced product detection, and more efficient resource allocation.
W-ClearPass supports both the 1.0 and 2.0 plugin versions by default, but because plugin version 2.0 includes
significant enhancements, we recommend that you upgrade from version 1.0 to 2.0.
The new OnGuard plugin version 2.0 is based on the OESIS V4 SDK, while the earlier plugin version 1.0 is
based on the OESIS V3 SDK. OnGuard continues to use plugin version 1.0 and your existing V3 SDK policies
until you explicitly upgrade to plugin version 2.0, as described in this section.
To upgrade to plugin version 2.0, you will first upgrade the OnGuard agents, after which you create a new
enforcement profile, enforcement policy, and a Web Auth service. Finally, you will need to modify any existing
V3 SDK enforcement policies to use the V4 SDK.
Creating a New Enforcement Profile to Set the SDKType
The first task in upgrading to the OnGuard plugin version 2.0 is to create a new enforcement profile where you
set the attribute SDK Type to V4.
To create the OnGuard plugin version 2.0 enforcement profile:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles.