Users Guide

770 | W-ClearPass Insight Reports Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
l Finally, this chapter provides information on how to configure operational elements about file transfers, as
well as database and report data retention (see Administration Operations on page 813).
Browsers Supported
W-ClearPass Insight uses a Web-based management interface. The following browsers are supported:
l Apple Safari 6.2.x, 7.1.x, 8.0
l Google Chrome 47.x, 48.x
l Microsoft Edge 25.x
l Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0
l Mozilla Firefox 43, 44
Enabling Insight and Specifying a Master Insight Node
Before you can use Insight, you must enable it on the current W-ClearPass server.
If multiple nodes in a cluster have Insight enabled, one node should be configured as an Insight Master.
Insight Reports, Alerts, and Administration settings can be configured on a Master Insight node only. To be able to
generate a report, enabling the node as an Insight Master (even in a single-node cluster) is mandatory.
To enable Insight :
1. Navigate to Administration > Server Manager > Server Configuration.
2. From the list of W-ClearPass servers, click the server on which you want to enable Insight.
The Server Configuration > System page opens.
Figure 763: Server Configuration >System Page
a. Enable Insight: Select this check box to enable W-ClearPass Insight on the current server.
b. Enable as Insight Master: Select this check box to specify this server as an Insight Master.
To enable replication of Insight configurations across a cluster, you must configure one W-ClearPass server in the
cluster as an Insight Master node.
3. Click Save.