Users Guide

Launching Insight
To launch W-ClearPass Insight:
1. Use one of the following methods to launch W-ClearPass Insight.
n Log in to Policy Manager, and then select Insight in the Dashboard >Applications widget. This opens
Insight in a new tab.
n Access Policy Manager by pointing the browser to https://<W-ClearPass-host-name>/tips, then select the
ClearPass Insight link (see Figure 764).
n Point the browser to https://<W-ClearPass-host-name>/insight.
2. Enter the default username and password, then click Login to launch Insight.
Figure 764 displays the W-ClearPass Access page:
Figure 764: W-ClearPass Access Page
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide W-ClearPass Insight Reports | 771