Users Guide

Report Type Report Widgets
Accounting—Bandwidth and Session
Provides the statistics using the accounting data
generated during report duration.
This report allows you to filter the report data
l W-ClearPass server
l Network access device IP address
l Device category
l Device family
l Device name
l Endpoint IPaddress
l User name
This report type includes the following bandwidth and session
l Bandwidth Statistics: Total Bandwidth, Average Bandwidth,
Maximum Bandwidth, Maximum Upstream Bandwidth,
Maximum Downstream Bandwidth, Sessions, Maximum
Duration, Users, Endpoints
l Upstream Bandwidth and DownstreamBandwidth Trend
l Total Bandwidth and Average Bandwidth Trend
l Average Session Time Trend
l Unique Session Trend
l Top 10 Device Categories with Most Bandwidth Consumed
l Top 10 Device Categories with Most Sessions
l Top 10 Device Categories with Most Duration
l Top 10 Device Families with Most Bandwidth Consumed
l Top 10 Device Families with Most Sessions
l Top 10 Device Families with Most Duration
l Top 10 Endpoints with Most Bandwidth Consumed
l Top 10 Endpoints with Most Sessions
l Top 10 Endpoints with Most Duration
l Top 20 Users with Most Bandwidth Consumed
l Top 10 Users with Most Sessions
l Top 10 Users with Most Duration
l Domain Summary: Provides an overview of authentications
per domain.
Authentication by Authentication Source
Provides the statistics for successful and failed
authentications per authentication source.
This report type includes the following information:
l Authentication Statistics
l Total Authentication Trend
l Failed Authentication Trend
l Authentication Distribution Across Authentication Source
l Authentication Distribution Across Authorization Source
l Authentication Distribution Across Authentication Source
NOTE: This report allows you to filter the report data by
authentication source.
Authentication by W-ClearPass
Provides the statistics for successful and failed
authentications per W-ClearPass servers in a
This report type includes the following information:
l Authentication Statistics
l Total Authentication Trend
l Failed Authentication Trend
l Authentication Distribution—Error Types
l Authentication Distribution Across Service
l Top 10 W-ClearPass with Most Authentications
l Top 10 W-ClearPass with Most Failed Authentications
l Top 10 W-ClearPass with Most MAC Address Authentications
l Top 10 W-ClearPass with Most Users
NOTE: This report allows you to filter the report data by
W-ClearPass Policy Manager server.
Table 397: Authentication Category Reports
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