Users Guide

800 | W-ClearPass Insight Reports Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide
Report Type Report Widgets
Authentication Overview
Provides statistics in general for the report
duration, such as total authentications per day,
unique devices authentications trend by day,
unique users authentication trend by day,
authentication distribution based on
authentication status, service, W-ClearPass
server, SSID, VLAN, enforcement profile,
authentication source, and top 10 users with
most authentications, and so on.
This report type includes the following information:
l Authentication Statistics
l Total Authentication Trend
l Authentication Status Trend
l Unique Devices Authentication Trend
l Unique Users Authentication Trend
l Authentication Distribution Across Auth Status
l Authentication Distribution Across Cluster
l Authentication Distribution Across Service
l Authentication Distribution Across VLAN
l Authentication Distribution Across SSID
l Authentication Distribution Across Enforcement Profiles
l Authentication Distribution Across Role
l Authentication Distribution Across Authentication Source
l Top 10 Users with Most Authentications
l Top 10 MAC Addresses with Most Authentications
l Top 10 Services with Most Authentications
l Top 10 Auth Sources with Most Authentications
l Top 10 W-ClearPass Roles Assigned
l Top 10 Authorization Sources
l Top 20 NADs with Most Authentications
l Top 10 Enforcement Profiles Users
NOTE: This report allows you to filter the report data by
W-ClearPass Policy Manager host name, Network Attached
Device (NAD) IP address, SSID, andError Code.
Authentication Trend
Provides authentication trend statistics for today
and yesterday, today and the same day a week
ago, and so on.
This report type includes the following information:
l Authentication Statistics
l Total Authentication Trend
l Authentication Trend for Today and Yesterday
l Authentication Trend for Today and Same Day Week Ago
l Total Authentication for 1 Month (per month)
NOTE: This report allows you to filter the report data by
W-ClearPass Policy Manager host name, Network Access
Device (NAD) IP address, and SSID.
Failed Authentication
Provides statistics based on failed
This report type includes the following information:
l Error Statistics
l Failed Authentication Trend
l Authentication Distribution—Error Types
l Failed Authentication Distribution across Service
l Failed Authentication Distribution across Authentication
l Top 10 Errors with Most Failed Authentications
l Top 20 NADs with Most Failed Authentications
l Top 10 W-ClearPass Servers with Most Failed
l Top 10 Users with Most Failed Authentications
Table 397: Authentication Category Reports (Continued)