Users Guide

The Audit Viewer (Monitoring > Audit Viewer) tracks NTP configuration changes.
configure date -p <ntp_server1> [-a <key-index> -v <key-value> -t <encryption-type>] [-s <ntp_
server2> [-a <key-index> -v <key-value> -t <encryption-type>]] [-z <timezone>]
The following table describes the parameters for the configure date command:
Flag/Parameter Action/Description
-p <ntp_server1>
-p <ntp_server2>
Specify the primary and secondary NTP server names or IP addresses.
NOTE: You can specify a destination node with an IPv6 address enabled.
-a <key-index> The Key Index (also referred to as the Key ID) is a number that specifies the index for key
The key-index value can be from 1 to 65534 inclusive.
Typically an NTP client and server have to trust the same key index and key value pair for
authentication to succeed.
-v <key-value> The Key Value is a form of shared secret, which both the client and server use for
authenticating NTP messages. The Key Value can be:
l Up to 20-character printable ASCII string
l Up to 40-character hex value
When entering an ASCII string for the Key Value, note that it cannot contain the following
l & (ampersand)
l ; (semicolon)
l `(grave accent)
l | (pipe)
l < (left angle bracket)
l > (right angle bracket)
l ( (left parenthesis)
l ) (right parenthesis)
Finally, the Key Value ASCIIstring must start and end with one of the following characters:
l - (hyphen)
l ' (apostrophe)
l " (quote)
-t <encryption-type> Select one of the two options for Encryption Type:
l SHA1
NOTE: In FIPS mode, SHA is not a supported encryption type.
-z <timezone> Specify the time zone on the Publisher node.
To view the list of supported time zones, enter show all-timezones. This field is optional.
Table 411: Configure Date Command Parameters
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.6 | User Guide Command Line Interface | 825